Friday, November 25, 2005

Black Friday

Today we woke up to the day known as "black Friday." After a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with good friends and Ronnie's beautiful decoration of our home for Christmas, "Black Friday" certainly does not do justice to the good feelings of yesterday. As I groggily sipped my morning cup of coffee, the TV news overflowed with reports of the day's shopping frenzy. In one particularly depressing case in Floriday, two shoppers were arrested after coming to physical blows when supplies ran out of a particular gift item.

So often we opine that others have forgotten the 'true meaning' of Christmas. We proclaim to anyone within earshot that those people clearly don't understand that Christmas is about joy and peace or we quip that the abbreviation Xmas takes the "Christ out of Christmas."

While we ourselves may not be fist-fighting in Walmart or Target, we are 'those people." We will write out our lengthy Christmas lists. We will ask every family member, "what do you want for Christmas?" We will scour websites and stores and malls for yet another year's attempt at the "perfect gift." For what? To show off our wealth? To make our family or friends like us better? As a replacement for forgiveness or as a dose of guilt? We have met the enemy, and they are us.

Yes, the wise men brought gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh to Jesus. If we truly want to have Christ in Christmas, we need to remember that Christ isn't a gift to be given, Christ is a gift to be received. This holiday season, let us be open to receiving, to recognizing and giving thanks for the rich blessings that are already ours.

Express joy. Practice peace. Live in love.

The best gifts for Christmas.

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